Bearing God's Name With Fear

Date: AM
Text: Isaiah 48; Lord's Day 36
Psalters: 415, 1, 25, 15
  1. What is His name?
    1. God’s “name” is unique because it is His revelation of Himself to man (Ps. 75:1; 72:19; Acts 4:12; Rom. 10:13).
      1. God’s name so reveals Him that His names are Him and He is His names.
      2. God’s name is in creation and in providence, so all men are able to know that He is and is to be worshiped (Ps. 8:1; 75:1).
      3. God’s richer Self-revelation is found in Scripture.
      4. God’s best name (Self-revelation) is Jesus Who graciously saving a people from sin (Acts 4:12).
    2. Through His Name (revelations) God shows Himself so that man is able to know Him.
  2. The use of God’s names.
    1. We are always to use God’s names with awe and praise befitting His awesome holiness, greatness and majesty!
      1. Angels and men are called to give God the glory due unto His holy name (Psalm 29:2; 66:2; 96:8).
      2. We worship Him by calling on His name for help (Joel 2:32; Rom. 10:13; Acts 9:14), invoking His promises to help or save.
      3. We glorify Him by subjecting ourselves to Him; when we love Him; and when we thank Him.
      4. We glorify Him by propagating the truth about Him, declaring what we know about God and His will.
    2. Christians are to be aware of how they are to “take” God’s name correctly.
    3. We are forbidden using His name in “vain,” i.e., emptying of the name of honor.
  3. God adds incentive to this commandment: “not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.”
    1. The penalty is nothing less than death (Leviticus 24:15).
    2. Let this lead us to use His name with great care, fear and reverence.