Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Date: PM
Text: I John 3; Lord's Day 46
Psalters: 375, 326, 280, 434
Sacrament of Baptism
  1. The majestic and perfectly Holy Triune God established a most intimate relationship: Father/child.
    1. This is a right which God gives only to some (John 1:12): “us” and not the children of the devil (1,10).
      1. That it is “bestowed” means that it is given, granted and furnished of God’s own accord.
      2. Note that it is bestowed by Him who is already “Father” – both within the Trinity and in relationship to His only begotten Son.
    2. The fact of fatherhood.
      1. First, there is an affinity or likeness. God does this when we are re-created in the image of His Son.
      2. Second, there is a relation of rights. God gives us the right to His love and to His inheritance.
      3. Third, fathers play a great role in forming the characters of children.
    3. God realizes this blessed relationship in five steps.
    4. He is “OUR Father.”
  2. That our Father is “in heaven” implies reverence for such a high and holy Majesty.
    1. “In heaven” indicates our Father’s indescribable and infinite glory and majesty, and not His location.
      1. The majesty of a king is seen everywhere in His kingdom, but especially in his palace.
      2. We need to be reminded of His majesty because we naturally think of Him to be like us.
    2. And “in heaven” speaks to His perfection as a Father.
      1. Whereas we learn about fatherhood from our earthly fathers (Ps. 103:13), we may not conceive of Him that way.
      2. We learn to look beyond them to the real Father.
  3. He is thus worthy of our complete trust, and we can have all confidence in His care and provision. Even boldness.
    1. First, we may have confidence and assurance that His way is the right way.
      1. The little child believes that God is and that He is willing to help and save (Luke 18:17).
      2. We can trust Him to care for and protect us (Matt. 7:9-11).
    2. Second, we can and must speak to Him directly, without anyone else mediating.
    3. Because God is our Father we may and ought to love Him.