Glorying In The Cross of Christ

Date: AM
Text: Galatians 6
Psalters: 111, 204, 112, 312
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
  • Galatians 6: 14

    Lord’s Supper


    I. Glorying In What

    A. The cross (cursed) was the most inglorious part of Jesus’ life from an external viewpoint.

    B. His name: “our Lord Jesus Christ” removes the shame of the cross and makes it glorious for Paul.

    C.The glory of His cross is that it loudly proclaims atonement.

    1. The Son of God incarnate was made to be sin for us - all our guilt make Him to be cursed for us.

    2. His cross is accomplished complete salvation.

    D.A part of this teaching is that whosoever believes in Him is saved.

    II. Why did Paul glory in the cross of Christ?

    A. Paul had other things in which he says he could have gloried.

    B. But he solemnly and deliberately chose to glory only in the cross of Jesus Christ.

    1. The cross manifests God more than anything else: His love (Rom. 5:8), power and wisdom (I Cor. 1:21).

    2. Paul gloried in the cross because it was and is the only way of salvation.

    3. The cross is the door of hope, for even the worst sinner.

    III. Glorying in the cross of Jesus has a great effect of separating us from loving the things of this world.

    A. Ever since Paul saw Jesus, he looked at the world as something that was crucified to him.

    B. The result is that while I am still in the world, I am no longer of it.

    1. By nature we boast in earthly things: wealth, health, intellect, might, accomplishments, skills, beauty, etc.).

    2. Glorying in the cross of Jesus makes this world lose its luster, so that I do not want them any more: “God forbid!”

    C.How does the cross do this to us?