Right Observance Of The Lord’s Supper

Date: PM
Text: I Corinthians 11
Psalters: 186, 230, 254, 268
  • Lord’s Day 30; I Corinthians 11


    I. A Spiritual Presence

    A. This Reformed evaluation of Rome’s Mass is fair, reasonable and logical, not too harsh.

    1. If Christ’s presence in the elements is physical with the bread and wine actually changed into the body and blood of

    Christ, then Jesus is repeatedly sacrificed in the Mass - every time the bread is broken and the wine poured.

    2. And Rome’s Mass is idolatry because they worship the elements.

    B. The Biblical and Reformed understanding of Christ’s presence in the Supper is that He is present only in a spiritual sense.

    1. First, Jesus is locally in heaven, no longer on the earth.

    2. Christ is only represented in the Supper in a spiritual sense. The elements portray Jesus in a sacramental sense.

    C.We have the good news of the Lord’s Supper.

    II. The only way to partake is sincerely, which requires self-examination (I Cor. 11:28; 13:5).

    A. It is wrong to be insincere when partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

    B. Self-examination helps the child of God deal with the sins in his life and it is a means to personal, spiritual growth.

    1. Proper examination of self must be done in the light of God’s Word (Ps. 139:23,24).

    2. Proper receiving and eating of the bread and wine requires a soul seeking and finding forgiveness in Jesus.

    C.When we sincerely partake by faith, then blessings result for the believer and for the church.

    III. Along with self-examination by the Christian, the church must watch over the sacrament.

    A. “Open” communion invites all believers to participate, leaving it up to each individual to determine whether to partake or not.

    B. But the table of the Lord must take responsibility to watch over the sacrament: guarding or restricting who partakes.

    C.This calls for “close communion.” This means that the elders (representing the Lord) assure the congregation that they have

    a knowledge of those who partake, so you all may know that those partaking with you have a closeness in belief and walk.