Knowing The Origin Of My Sin

Date: AM
Text: Genesis 1,2; Lord's Day 3
Psalters: 228, 103, 37, 14
  1. A special creation.
    1. Scripture (not science) teaches that God created man good.
    2. God gave special attention to man?s creation, for man is His masterpiece in creation.
      1. First, the triune God spoke regarding man?s creation, ?Let us make man.?
      2. Second, the description of man?s creation is repeated (1:27 and 2:7).
      3. Also, the manner of man?s creation was different: ?formed? as with God?s own hands.
      4. The mention of man becoming a living soul emphasizes that man?s is unique.
    3. Physically, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually man is a most remarkable creature.
    4. Man was created in one act of God, which had two aspects to it.
      1. The first aspect is that man was taken from the dust of the earth.
      2. The second aspect is that God breathed into him the breath of life.
  2. What especially exalted man is that he was created ?in the image of God.?
    1. This means that man was made to be like God.
      1. Because God is invisible, man was created to ?look? like God spiritually.
      2. The contents of the image of God.
    2. However Adam was lapsible, i.e., he was able to fall from this lofty position.
    3. We rightly make a distinction between man?s ability to bear the image and man?s actually bearing the image.
  3. Because God created us good, we cannot blame God for the presence of our sin and misery.
    1. Sin is to be found in our first father (our relative) and representative head.
      1. The blame is, then, to be only in man himself.
      2. Adam represented us, so when he fell into sin, we did as well (I Cor. 15: 21,22; Romans 5:12).
    2. We must accept this responsibility personally for all of our guilt and corruption.