God's Righteous Punishment

Date: AM
Text: Psalm 73; Lord's Day 4
Psalters: 86, 253, 224, 201
  1. What it is.
    1. Many want to believe that God does not punish all disobedience and rebellion.
    2. God’s holiness and justice gives rise to God punishing sin in His wrath.
      1. God’s wrath is the reaction of His holiness against those who violate Him and His glory.
      2. God’s wrath is expressed and realized in the curse.
    3. God’s judgment and punishment is a terrifying certainty!
      1. Biblical history reveals God’s character, His wrath, and the certainty of judgment.
      2. The Savior spoke of judgment and wrath to come (Matt. 13:41,42; 22:13; 25:30,41,46).
      3. God shows the justness of His right to punish sin when He punished His own Son on the cross.
  2. God punishes sin in time.
    1. Sometimes it seems that God does not punish the wicked (cf. Psalm 73).
    2. But the Bible is clear that God’s just punishment of the wicked is an ever-present reality (Psalm 5:5; 7:11; Prov. 3:33).
      1. God is immutable: He is not gracious sometime (in this world) only to be filled with wrath in hell.
      2. God’s just judgment and righteous punishment is executed constantly.
    3. How is this punishment realized?
  3. In eternity God’s wrath is seen more clearly (Jude 6,7; John 3:36; 5:29; Matt. 25:46).
    1. We must not and cannot separate this world from the world to come.
    2. Eternal punishment is in hell (Mark 9:43,44).
  4. We rejoice in Jesus Christ Who bore all the sins and punishment of His people.
    1. God punished (poured out His wrath) on Jesus instead of us.
    2. Before God’s judgment seat our sins are now completely gone.