Relationship To Employers

Date: PM
Text: I Timothy 6:1,2
Psalters: 404, 231, 266, 204
  1. Honor.
    1. The gospel came to every class of society, including slaves.
      1. Our text identifies every Christian as being “under the yoke,” i.e., having the yoke of Christ (Matt.11:29).
      2. Slaves who are saved by grace must know how to renew their minds so they might do the will of God.
    2. “Count worthy of all honor.”
      1. “Master” is the strongest word for an employer: despot, master, lord.
      2. “Count” is be esteemed, accounted and considered for ruling.
      3. “Worthy” is to have the weight of another thing of like value, corresponding to.
      4. “Honor” is the valuing by which a price is fixed. “All” is the highest regard and greatest respect is to be given.
    3. Idea is that the Christian slave/employee is aware that the honor of God is at issue.
  2. And obedience is to be rendered to our master/employer’s directives and commands.
    1. Eph. 6:3 and Col. 3:22a teaches that we now have two masters.
      1. Obedience to the master according to the flesh must be given “in all things.”
      2. The nature of the work makes no difference: noble or ignoble, self-fulfilling or demeaning.
    2. Pastor Titus was commanded to teach slaves to be in submission (an inner attitude) and even eager to please (2:9).
    3. Believing masters/bosses are owed the same obedience and honor; we are not freed from this command.
  3. We are to exercise forbearance when they treat us wrongly (I Peter 2:18ff).
    1. We are not free to disobey, to complain and grumble, and not submit when we think an employer is unreasonable.
    2. Slaves and employees exhibit godliness (aware of God) when they submit - especially to the unreasonable.
    3. These things keep teaching and exhorting (call alongside to teach and comfort).
      1. These matters are to be always put before the minds of God’s people (teach) and their wills (exhort).
      2. Thus we live down (instead of talk down) the ignorance of foolish men (I Peter 2:15).