Lamb Without Blemish and Without Spot

Date: PM
Text: Leviticus 22:17-25
Psalters: 402, 178, 25, 302
  1. What required.
    1. Our text describes several blemishes which are prohibited (19, 22,23,24).
    2. God?s creation also bears the curse for man?s sake and thus can be deformed or mutilated.
    3. Malachi 1:7,8 is an example of polluting God?s altar with the blind, lame and sick.
  2. God declares that such offerings would ?not be accepted for you? (20).
    1. God declares that atonement (covering of sin) can be only by one who is perfect for two reasons.
    2. Our sacrifices are described as ?the bread of your God? (25).
    3. God?s rejection of any external imperfection taught the people that God requires a perfect offerer.
      1. All legitimate worship requires that the worshiper is purged from sin.
      2. We sinfully think we did our duty when we go through the form of worship, but with less than perfect heart.
  3. For the offering to be pleasing to God we must bring Christ, the Lamb without blemish and without spot (I Peter 1:19).
    1. He is the perfect offering.
      1. Physically Jesus was perfect, without blemish.
      2. Ethically-morally He was perfect (?He knew no sin? II Cor. 5:21).
    2. It was objectively judged that He was a perfect sacrifice, without blemish by man and by God.
    3. This Lamb without blemish and without spot cleansed a church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing (Eph. 5:27).