Jesus' Life of Suffering

Date: PM
Text: Hebrews 5; Lord's Day 15
Psalters: 229, 108, 185, 258
Applicatory to the Lord's Supper
  1. That He suffered.
    1. Christ suffered all His life (Hebrews 2:10; Isa. 53:3,4; Psalm; 69:8; Luke 9: 41).
      1. He suffered in His body.
      2. He suffered in His soul (John 12:27; Luke 22:44; Matt. 26:37,38).
    2. Of all that He suffered, He was always most sensitive to God’s wrath.
    3. Jesus suffering was unique (far more than we can imagine).
      1. He is the Holy Jesus.
      2. The words “under Pontius Pilate” emphasize Jesus’ holiness and innocency.
    4. Jesus “feared” (Heb. 5:7) the suffering of death (God punishing sin).
  2. Jesus’ suffering was necessary.
    1. Jesus’ suffering made payment for sin; He gave the sacrifice which made satisfaction.
      1. His suffering was so infinitely precious that it merited the right to deliver from hell into heaven.
      2. His propitiatory sacrifice atoned and reconciled.
    2. He bore God’s wrath completely, so God has no more wrath against us - ever (Rom. 8:32-35).
    3. He “learned obedience” (Heb. 5:8) in His human nature.
  3. For what did Jesus suffer?
    1. First, for whom? Catechism says, “the sins of all mankind.”
      1. This is not for every human in this world (John 10:14 with Matt. 7:23; John 10:11,26; and there is a hell).
      2. Only for all of the sins of the elect (John 6:39; 10:15; Matt. 1:21).
      3. “All mankind” conveys the Scriptural teaching that all of the elect together form the essence of mankind.
    2. His suffering was atoning, an actual payment (John 10: 28; I Peter 2:24; Col. 1:21,22).
    3. Learn how horrible sin is in what and how much Jesus had to suffer because of our sin.