Faith In Christ as Priest

Date: AM
Text: Hebrews 8:1-13, 9:11-28, 10:11-14; Lord's Day 12
Psalters: 302, 384, 109, 231
  1. The concept
    1. The idea of priest is heart holiness: separated from sin and sanctified (dedicated) to God Who is the only, perfect good.
      1. Before the fall into sin man lived a consecrated life of service, because his heart was filled with love for his Creator.
      2. After the fall man became a priest to the devil, dedicated to living in hatred against God in the service of sin (Romans 8:7).
    2. God responded by promising to redeem this office in the Christ to come.
      1. This was pictured and foreshadowed in the priests and especially in the sacrifices.
      2. And the sacrifice pointed out that thanks is expressed in a self-sacrificing service, given to God for His great goodness.
  2. The reality came in Christ, THE Priest.
    1. He was appointed and qualified to do everything necessary to lead God's works to the highest glory.
    2. On earth, Christ redeemed His people by the one sacrifice of His body.
      1. As the great High Priest He was completely consecrated and dedicated to doing God's will.
      2. He delivered from the power of sin, restoring the may (privilege), the ability (can), and the will of divine service.
    3. In heaven Christ makes continual intercession for us.
      1. He received the Spirit, by which He, as the office-bearer, fulfills His ministry of representing God, and us to God.
      2. He serves as our Advocate before the Father (Hebrews 7:25), applying His sacrifice to His brothers and sisters.
  3. In office-bearers.
    1. The Old Dispensation the priests gave themselves wholly to the service of God and to His worship.
    2. In the New Dispensation, the deacons convey Christ's priesthood.
  4. Those who are in Christ are partakers of His anointing and thus are Christians, anointed ones.
    1. To have the right to be called a Christian is a gift of grace.
    2. The priesthood of all believers means that we are consecrated to Him, giving ourselves as living sacrifices of thankfulness.
      1. By nature we want to be our own, but by grace we confess: "All that I am, I owe to Thee."
      2. We are to present ourselves as living sacrifices of thankfulness (Rom. 12:1,2).
      3. We serve in our own distinct ways in the normal activities of life.