Why Preach the Law?

Date: AM
Text: Psalm 19; Lord's Day 44
Psalters: 85, 82, 217, 38
  1. To identify sin.
    1. The correct knowledge of sin is essential to a healthy Christian experience.
      1. The only ones who need Jesus are those who are admit that they are sinners in God’s sight.
      2. Real comfort knows our sins and miseries first, then sees the power of the blood of Jesus.
    2. God’s law reveals the perfect God, and thus accurately identifies and describes sin.
      1. The more we know God, the more we know the real nature of our sins and especially of our sinfulness.
      2. Romans 7 provides the mature, converted saint with the right knowledge of his sins and sinfulness.
  2. It is the knowledge of sin which drives one to Jesus, for forgiveness and righteousness are only in Him.
    1. The faith which enables me to see my sin, also shows me Jesus.
    2. God deals with His people in such a way that He demands and works a response.
    3. The converted constantly learn to walk humbly always striving more and more because we naturally minimize our sin.
      1. Though we constantly fail, there remains burning within the desire and love for God’s commandments (22).
      2. How are these to be reconciled?
  3. The knowledge of sin makes us press forward to the goal of perfection (Canons V-2).
    1. We do not simply confess sin and sinfulness and merrily go on unchanging.
    2. We press toward perfection by mortifying and thanking.
    3. Gratitude is the high motive for striving to make every aspect of our life subservient to our loving Lord.