Praying for Our Father’s Kingdom

Date: AM
Text: Luke 12; Lord's Day 48
Psalters: 160, 338, 194, 49
  1. The kingdom.
    1. God reigns as Sovereign over all and forever.
    2. The kingdom of God is the rule of God in Christ over subjects made willing in the day of the power of His grace.
      1. It is the rule of God because He planned, established, and realizes this rule by the power of His grace.
      2. It is called the kingdom of Christ because God establishes and exercises His rules through Christ.
      3. It is called the kingdom of heaven because it is spiritual, not earthly (John 18:36a).
    3. We experience the kingdom when God's rule is recognized.
  2. The kingdom has a coming.
    1. The kingdom comes through-out history.
    2. At the Fall God promised the establishment of His kingdom in the spiritual seed of the woman.
      1. In Christ's perfect life and in His cross the basis of the kingdom was set in righteousness.
      2. At Christ's return, the kingdom of God will reach its completion and full development.
  3. We cannot make the kingdom come, but Jesus would have us pray for it.
    1. Personally, we learn to desire to be so ruled by His Word and Spirit that we may submit ourselves more and more to Him.
    2. Also, we are asking that God preserve and increase His church.
    3. Therefore, we ask that God destroy the works of the devil and of all violence which exalts itself against our King.
    4. And may the perfected kingdom come with the return of Jesus.