The Foundation and Goal of Prayer

Date: AM
Text: Revelation 7; Lord's Day 52
Psalters: 177, 252, 375, 434
  1. The wonderful meaning.
    1. To say that our heavenly Father has the “kingdom” is to say that He has all authority.
    2. Also our heavenly Father has the "power," i.e. the ability to implement His authority and enforce His will.
    3. And He is alone worthy of the praise:  "the glory."
  2. That our Father possesses all authority, power, and glory serves:
    1. As the foundation for this prayer and for all of our prayers.
      1. This implies that we do not ask for whatever we want because we know our heavenly Father - Who He is and What He is.
      2. With this conclusion we are assured that God can, does, and will answer our prayer.
    2. As the goal for our prayers and for our life: this conclusion serves as the motive for our life and walk on this earth.
      1. This is what we will be doing eternally in glory (Rev. 7:12).
      2. We seek ever to have our motivation be the desire to serve and glorify God in gratitude.
  3. “Amen” expresses our confidence in praying this prayer (and all our prayers).
    1. "Amen" is a transliterated Hebrew word into Greek and then into English which means, "certain" or "true."
    2. "Amen" is a sign and seal to God that we prayed sincerely.
    3. And “amen” is a sign and seal to us; it is a declaration of assurance that God will certainly hear and answer.