I Believe in Father’s Providence

Date: AM
Text: Acts 17; Lord's Day 10
Psalters: 115, 329, 174, 96
  1. His sovereign control.
    1. Two common misconceptions concerning God’s sovereign control.
    2. But the biblical truth of providence declares that God has total and constant control of all creatures and events.
      1. His providential power is “almighty” and “everywhere present” so nothing escapes Him (Ps. 24:1; 139).
      2. The scope of His providence includes “heaven, earth, and all creatures.”
    3. Sin always denies this truth, making man to be lord of himself and his possession.
    4. But “He giveth life and breath to all things” (Neh. 9:6); feeds man and beast, and takes away their breath (Ps. 104:27,29).
  2. God governs all things with purpose.
    1. His purpose is His own glory and the good of His elect people.
      1. Faith enables believers to know our Father=s end for all things is His own glory (Rom. 11:36).
      2. And faith enables us to know that all things work together for good to them who are called according to His purpose.
    2. These two purposes always go together and they never contradict.
    3. Father’s purpose for His children.
      1. In time it is to bring salvation to them, giving us the Spirit, faith, and sanctification.
      2. His eternal purpose is to bring us to glory with Himself.
  3. The proper response of faith is joyful gratitude, and trusting patience (enduring).
    1. The believer is patient in adversity.
    2. And we are thankful in prosperity.
    3. And we should be confident about the future, not anxious: place firm trust in our faithful Father.