The Way of Man Is Not in Himself

Date: PM
Text: Jeremiah 10:23
Psalters: 161, 188, 274, 100
  1. The setting.
    1. Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah during the reign of Jehoiachin, taking him and all the nobles to Babylon (II Kings 24:15,16)
    2. Nebuchadnezzar then made Zedekiah (the third son of Josiah to be king) and he reigned for 11 years (II Chron. 36:11).
    3. Zedekiah broke his oath of allegiance and rebelled, which occasioned Nebuchadnezzar to come against Judah again.
  2. The meaning.
    1. Jeremiah declares that the way of all men is not in himself.
    2. Man is active (“walketh”), but his “way is not in himself.”
      1. We “walk” which supposes life and strength.
      2. Weak and sinful man does not have the ability to direct absolutely his way, cannot foresee every circumstance.
    3. So Jeremiah is denying that the issue is in our own hands or at our own will.
  3. Implication: man’s authority and power are all under and controlled by the authority and power of the Supreme Sovereign.
    1. All men, good or evil, are only carrying out the will of God, and His purposes for Zedekiah and for Nebuchadnezzar.
      1. Nebuchadnezzar is only doing God’s will in chastising Judah for their idolatry and rebellions against Jehovah.
      2. Therefore in our walking we must be mindful of Him Who directs our steps.
    2. Applied spiritually, man’s way is always to sin, and thus the only way of salvation is not of man either.
      1. God declares that any salvation (of the physical city or of souls) is only of the Lord.
      2. Further, man can take no step correctly without Christ, for without Me ye can do no good (John 15:5).
    3. Learn what three things to avoid.
    4. Find much comfort in this truth.