Hallowed Be Thy Name

Date: AM
Text: Psalm 138; Lord's Day 47
Psalters: 268, 333, 381, 15
  1. God’s name.
    1. God is unknowable because He is invisible and so Wholly Other, so far above any and all creature; He is infinite.
      1. God reveals Himself on a level the creature can understand: this is His “name.”
      2. God’s “name” is anything that reveals Him and thus man knows about Him and knows Him.
    2. God’s name is seen in many places.
  2. This petition asks the Father so to work in us so that we may correctly know Him and then praise Him in every way all the time.
    1. “Hallowed” is to identify something as holy (separate from others and dedicated to the highest good), as reverend, honorable.
    2. Only those gifted with faith can know God (not just about Him), know Him to be holy and worthy of praise.
    3. May His Spirit work in our minds and hearts that we may more and more see Him and His glory in all things.
    4. And vindicate Thy name of all dishonor (Psalm 83).
  3. What is the reason our Lord Jesus wants us to pray this petition and to pray it first?
    1. His transcendent glory makes Him worthy to be hallowed.
    2. This is to be our greatest desire; with nothing more important to us.
    3. Only when we love Him, are we able and willing to pray this petition.