Law: Make Known God and His Works

Date: AM
Text: Psalm 78:1-8
Psalters: 50, 214, 121, 134
Sacrament of Baptism
  1. The command.
    1. “Fathers” (includes mothers).
    2. “Their children” are the ones to be instructed.
    3. It is a “command,” i.e., a charge, a commission; and a “law” is a legal directive.
    4. The calling is to “shew” or “declare” (same word, 4,6): to recount or rehearse accurately. Three things are implied.
      1. To “make known” (5) is to reveal in such a way that we know we are understood.
      2. It refers to a constant speaking of them, by repetition, i.e., memorization and a steady diet.
      3. This instruction is to be characterized by urgency.
  2. What parents must teach their children is that God is, His virtues and works.
    1. The content of the instruction is: the laws of God given at Sinai and the history of God’s care over Israel.
    2. This includes an oral tradition God’s “wonderful works” of creation, history, and redemption, showing “His strength” (4).
    3. And the “praises of Jehovah” (4) are to be taught.
    4. Because mere instruction doesn’t put it into their hearts, all instruction must be accompanied with fervent prayer for the Spirit!!
  3. God’s promise is very encouraging.
    1. Encouragement is necessary because godly parents know they only give their children the right to hell.
    2. What God promised to Abraham (in his generations) is by means of Abraham commanding his children (Gen. 18:19).
    3. By grace they will “not forget the works of God, but keep His commandment” like Israel of old.
    4. They will “set their hope in God” (7a) and they will learn humility and the fear of Jehovah (Prov. 22:4).
    5. And they, in turn, will tell “their children” (5b). “Tell it to the generation following” (Ps. 48:13b).