God Is; And He Is Three in One

Date: AM
Text: II Corinthians 13; Lord's Day 8
Psalters: 404, 338, 4, 394
  1. What it means.
    1. The doctrine of the Trinity.
      1. It is summarized in seven statements
      2. The Nicene, Athanasian, and Chalcedon Creeds state clearly Scripture’s positions using “trinity,” “essence,” & “person.”
    2. The true church maintains three persons in one being/essence.
      1. God is one in essence means that there is only one true God.
      2. There are not three Gods in the one God though there are three particular individuals, equal in deity, dignity and glory.
      3. They are distinguished by their names, which show their relationship to each other, their mode of action, and their effects.
  2. The following Biblical proofs, both explicitly and implicitly, support the doctrine of the Trinity, as summarized in the seven statements. These Scriptures make it obvious that this is not a philosophical concoction, but a central part of orthodoxy.
    1. First, there are the Scripture proofs that there is one true God (Deut. 6:4; Isa. 44:6; I Tim. 1:17).
    2. Second, we find Scripture adding to our understanding of the Trinity.
    3. Third, there are specific proofs concerning the deity of each of the three persons.
  3. Why does this matter? What is the significance of this this Scriptural truth?
    1. The fact of the Trinity demonstrates that God is the living God.
    2. Second, the Trinity teaches us what relationships really are, both within and outside the Trinity.
    3. The Trinity matters because the life within the Godhead is experienced in redeemed humanity.
    4. This knowledge of Him leads to praise – even though we do not comprehend it.