The Shepherd Leads His Flock

Date: AM
Text: Isaiah 40:11
Psalters: 71, 87, 308, 52
Sacrament of Baptism
  1. Whom He leads.
    1. Isaiah is first inspired to identify the church on earth as a “flock” of sheep.
    2. He also speaks of “lambs,” i.e., the young sheep.
    3. Third, Isaiah speaks of “those that are with young.”
    4. This is to apply to anyone in the church institute who had need.
  2. Jehovah God is strong (10), but also characterized by tenderness.
    1. The terms begin with “feed” which is “to pasture, lead with care, be a friend.” Cf. Ezekiel 34:11-16!!
    2. The Lord Jehovah is as a shepherd who gathers each sheep of His flock in His arm (strength).
      1. They are liable to lag behind or to wander or to wilt under difficulties because of their weaknesses.
      2. He gathers them to Himself, to His person.
    3. And He will “carry them in His bosom.”
    4. And He “shall gently lead” day and night, all the days of our lives.
  3. Why does lead with such care.
    1. Because the Lord Jehovah is a God of such amazing gentleness and tenderness.
      1. He is the God of a most intimate relationship, while all other gods are that of fate or chance.
      2. Our God cares for each one of His sheep in their own way, aware of the unique need of each.
    2. The blood of Jesus redeems, purchases the weak as much as the strong – each is of equal value and preciousness to Him.
    3. The Lord Jehovah makes the care of the weakest of His flock to be a matter of honor to Him.